This course is made up of 12 weekly publication classes that will be taught entirely online through this platform every 10 days.
To participate you must complete the online registration form that appears in the menu. The email address and password that you put on that tab will be the data that will then allow you to access the class display.
If you have already participated in other MEDSITE courses, it is not necessary to complete the registration form again, you can access it with your email address and password from the previous course.
The course does not have a registration closing date since the classes accumulate as they are published, so you can enter the course at any time and view the classes in any order.
Once the publication of all the classes is completed, the final evaluation will be activated in the link in the top menu as well as the download of the certificate once the final evaluation is approved.
The process is completely automatic and online, classes will not be sent via email or by any other process.